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What is ServiceNow in a Nutshell

What is ServiceNow?

What is ServiceNow? It is the workflow automation platform allows businesses to manage processes, teamwork, projects, and customer interactions. Service Now provides SaaS (Software as a Service) for technical management support in multiple industries worldwide. Once companies try ServiceNow, they see that it can bring the operational efficiency to a new level by streamlining and automating the workflow. It is a game-changer for security, development operations, customer service, HR, and other industries. ServiceNow has changed the way companies work — for the better.

What does ServiceNow do?

ServiceNow services solve many business and management problems and is very simple to configure and run simultaneously. The AI-enabled virtual agents help you manage requests automatically, identify the cause of issues and solve incidents. Since 2004, ServiceNow has grown into a one-stop solution for companies to fix most challenges regarding business operations flow, customer service, etc.

what is servicenow

10 Top Benefits of ServiceNow for Your Business

What is ServiceNow used for and the benefits it can bring your business? Let’s take a look at the top 10 ServiceNow benefits:

  • Availability. ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform. Being on the cloud, the service is available 24/7, and the client doesn’t need to invest in the hardware to host it.
  • Simplicity. The platform is here to lighten your workflow, streamline the service delivery and automate work processes, not to complicate your life as a user. It requires little configuration and can be smoothly integrated into the existing business processes.
  • Scaling for future growth. ServiceNow is a SaaS platform with seamless cloud options and endless scaling possibilities.
  • Power. With half-yearly updates, new releases, and useful add-ons that go beyond your usual helpdesk operations, ServiceNow can perform numerous functions based on your company’s needs.
  • Enhanced productivity. ServiceNow boosts business productivity. Sort out the processes and scale the operations without manual approvals. It will speed up the whole process and put in place a well-aligned workflow.
  • Seamless, simple integration. ServiceNow integration is very simple, especially with the right expert. Your ServiceNow services provider should make the process simple, transparent, and hassle-free.
  • Open architecture for smooth integration. You can easily integrate the ServiceNow platform to any infrastructure.
  • Strong data for good decision-making. You can use data sets pooled from different sources to base your future decisions and roadmap.
  • Customer satisfaction. By using priceless, extensive data to improve your relationship with customers, you will be able to base your decision-making process on their real issues.
  • ServiceNow comes with many integration capabilities. As a result, most businesses (IT, Security, HR, Customer Relationship, etc.) can benefit from ServiceNow. You can use the tools offered by ServiceNow, as well as seamlessly integrate your own tools and third-party applications.

what does servicenow do

ServiceNow has certified partners worldwide, helping companies implement solutions, fluidify their workflow and make the best of this automation platform. So why would you want to delegate implementation and ServiceNow support services to a third party?

One of the mottos of ServiceNow says: “Behind every great experience is a great workflow.” At GeeksForLess, we add that “behind every great workflow is a professional who found the solutions to make this work flow”.

GeeksForLess is proud to be a ServiceNow Partner, with certified administrators and developers with hands-on experience, helping you capture the total value from the ServiceNow platform.

As you are looking on whether to embark on your ServiceNow journey on your own or with a partner, here are the three main reasons why you may not want to walk alone. Also we provide ServiceNow DevOps services.

Why ServiceNow?

  • Save time and money. As a tool, ServiceNow is simple, smooth, fast, powerful, and very versatile, with multiple integration capabilities. Combining all the benefits of ServiceNow with the experience of certified partners allows you to value faster and make the most of the platform.
  • Invest in priceless expertise. ServiceNow partners like GeeksForLess have spent time, resources, money, and years of experience to master the platform on the expert level. Likewise, our ServiceNow specialists have worked, implemented, and learned how to use ServiceNow in complex environments and can now offer their expertise.
    As a result, you can strategize and create long-term goals for your organization, while our ServiceNow architects will adjust the platform to your business requirements. In addition, if you encounter a problem, there are chances your ServiceNow partner has seen it before and is able to fix it.
  • Focus on what you do best. Being a ServiceNow partner means having ServiceNow as your primary business. Our developers, architects, specialists, and administrators have thousands of hours of experience with ServiceNow.

what is servicenow used for

ServiceNow also comes with a high ROI, which can be even higher with the right ServiceNow consultant who can help you make the most of the platform and put in place high-ROI workflows.

Read also interesting article about “Try ServiceNow enterprise onboarding & transitions”.

GFL Expert Professional Employee at GeeksForLess Inc.

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