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Web Development Services Case Study

web development case study examples

Company – Enterprise software company. Industry – Finance.


  • FRONTEND: React, Redux, Redux-form, React-router, Redux-thunk, Styled-components, Webpack, Yarn
  • BACKEND: JDK8, Maven, Spring Framework, Google Guice, Objectify, Google Cloud Platform, Apache CXF, Velocity
  • TOOLS: CodeceptJS using Page Object, Postman, WebDriverIO
case study web application development


We received:

  • Source Code of the core backend application
  • Technical overview of the existing solution and its components
  • Technical requirements for customizations needed for specific clients
  • Source Code of the React frontend for consumer-facing web application and frontend solution for an internal management console
  • Access to the client’s internal project tracking system
case study web development

What we have achieved in 6 weeks:

  • Adjusted process in clients tracking system to effectively distribute tasks between the client’s and GFL’s team
  • Set up bi-weekly calls with business stakeholders to review backlog and prioritize tasks
  • Increased test coverage of Java backend system
  • Performed code review of existing frontend solutions and shared recommendations with the client
  • Together with the client’s technical team, refactored React frontend application that is used by end users
ecommerce website development case study

What we did next:

  • Source Code of the core backend application
  • Technical overview of the existing solution and its components
  • Technical requirements for customizations needed for specific clients
  • Source Code of the React frontend for consumer-facing web application and frontend solution for an internal management console
  • Access to the client’s internal project tracking system
web development case study

As a result, we managed to:

  • Decrease the time to market by producing releasable builds
  • Increase test coverage of the backend system Enhance the Customer Experience
  • Decrease time spent on customizing products for specific customers
  • Made React application more customizable
building a custom wordpress site

Why use WordPress?

WordPress is the one of the best platforms for development custom websites. There are many other CMSs, but it is WordPress that makes it possible to quickly deploy a system for interaction with site users. The main advantages of WordPress are:

  • Easy scalability
  • Quick launch into the workflow
  • Easy administration
wordpress seite erstellen

What problems we are solving?

We are able to solve a large number of problems both for newly created sites and for sites that were created by other developers. In addition to the development of the site, it is necessary to carry out its optimization and SEO settings. What we can do:

  • Optimization of meta tags and meta descriptions
  • Correct structuring of the site’s main tags
  • Script and style optimization settings
  • Bringing the site to the “Green Zone” of Google speed page indicators
  • Setting up links and redirects
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